Roses are black, violets are blue....
‘Think Ink’ - the world’s first florist to sell only black roses, launches in Carnaby for one day only on Valentine’s Day by the eclectic and talented Miss Cakehead and Kraken Black Spiced Rum.
A selection of stunning bouquets will be available, made up of Turkish Halfeti roses, Calendula Lily Eclips and Queen of the Night Tulips, with each bouquets coming in a Grave Vase with a miniature bottle of Kraken Rum and a choice of 2 messages - ‘Take me Whole’ or ‘Swallow Me Piece by Piece’ with lyrics taken from The Kraken Rum Sea Shanty recorded by The Futureheads’ Ross Millard.
The black roses are created by placing dark red roses in vases filled with Kraken’s ink in place of water. This ink is then transported up the stem, to the leaves and petals turning them black, a scientific process that will also be showcased in the space.
For each bouquet, a voluntary donation to the Project Redsand charity is suggested.
After you’ve picked up your bouquet, head over to The Diner on Ganton Street, where they will be serving a one-off Kraken vs Cupid Valentine’s cocktail.
The Think Ink Florist will be open from 8.00am until all the bouquets are sold. Bouquets will be offered on a first come first served basis with one bouquet per customer. Due to the accompanying rum only those aged 18 or over may purchase a bouquet.
A selection of stunning bouquets will be available, made up of Turkish Halfeti roses, Calendula Lily Eclips and Queen of the Night Tulips, with each bouquets coming in a Grave Vase with a miniature bottle of Kraken Rum and a choice of 2 messages - ‘Take me Whole’ or ‘Swallow Me Piece by Piece’ with lyrics taken from The Kraken Rum Sea Shanty recorded by The Futureheads’ Ross Millard.
The black roses are created by placing dark red roses in vases filled with Kraken’s ink in place of water. This ink is then transported up the stem, to the leaves and petals turning them black, a scientific process that will also be showcased in the space.
For each bouquet, a voluntary donation to the Project Redsand charity is suggested.
After you’ve picked up your bouquet, head over to The Diner on Ganton Street, where they will be serving a one-off Kraken vs Cupid Valentine’s cocktail.
The Think Ink Florist will be open from 8.00am until all the bouquets are sold. Bouquets will be offered on a first come first served basis with one bouquet per customer. Due to the accompanying rum only those aged 18 or over may purchase a bouquet.
From 8.00am Friday 14 February
G12 Kingly Court (entrance on Kingly Street)
Carnaby, W1